LifeLet: 9Mile Labs Milestone 9

What a great day September 10, 2013 was to see the nine companies of 9Mile Labs Cohort I present their business and products to an enthusiastic audience at Seattle’s Bell Harbor Conference Center.

Benjamin Romano wrote a great article at Xconomy on the presentations. John Cook of Geekwire shared his thoughts on the presentations and companies from Milestone 9.

For a quick look at the presenters and the networking interactions check out the video.

A special shout out to the startup community mentors and supporters of 9Mile Labs for awards voted on by the Cohort I companies:

Thanks to the 9Mile Labs partners (Tom Casey, Kevin Croy, Enrique Godreau III, Sanjay Puri, and Sandy Sharma) for their continuing contribution to the Seattle Startup ecosystem.

With his wonderful way of seeing things with a “flipped perspective,” my colleague David Robinson posted about the event as “Change Your World.” David shared:

“During the event I was interested how many times I heard the phrase, “Change the world.”

“Go out and change the world!”

“We believe our new technology will change the world.”

“Our innovation will change the way business is done. It will change the world.”

What is it in us that needs the world to change? What is it in us that assumes the role of world changer? I hear this phrase daily. I’ve used it myself most of my life. When I was younger I wanted my art to change the world. I’m an idealist so I had (and have) a laundry list of what would make life better. I’m also aware that my list is not universal. In fact, much on my list would seem heretical to many of the people on the planet. What is “better” for me is worse for others. What is the world I wish to change?

A special thanks to Kerri Sherwood for permission to use her song “Count on You” from her album As Sure as the Sun.

For a humorous look at the wonderful world of innovation and new ventures, checkout Fl!p and the gang at Fl!p Comics.

This entry was posted in Entrepreneuring, Lifelet, Lifelogging, Value Capture, Working in teams. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to LifeLet: 9Mile Labs Milestone 9

  1. Pingback: Rand Fishkin on Network Effects for raising capital | On the Way to Somewhere Else

  2. Pingback: And no communication occurs – the perils of mentoring | On the Way to Somewhere Else

  3. Pingback: Lifelet: Whiteboarding | On the Way to Somewhere Else

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